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Monday, December 13, 2010 Y 10:47 PM

hey hey :)
these few days..
one word: horrible.
ever since my grandparents left
the job was all handed over to us
my mum, me and my sisters
dad still in china
but coming home tonight!!! woohoo!!
job includes:
-walking dog
-feeding dog
-washing dishes
-fold clothes
-helping my mum
-taking care of the house
-taking care of youngest sister
anything happens, me and my older sister are responsible
sucks man
hardly have anytime for homework
omg, walking daisy is so tiring
every morning i'll be skiing on the grass
cos wet mah
wah, daisy damn strong sia
she drags me everywhere
especially when another dog comes
everytime come back home
sweating to the max
one of the worst thing is
my mum cooking
you know what that means?
vegetables! meat! and everything organic and healthy
and if dont eat... DIE DIE
lol. but gotta live with it
no choice
wah, last night
went to shop for groceries
all my mum took was vegetables -.-
horrible, terrible...

good luck xian..
jia yous
- XX

Friday, November 26, 2010 Y 11:22 PM

hey guys, nvr blog for quite awhile eh.
sometimes, dont feel like
sometimes, too busy.
13 now ehs? gotta be strong ya?
dont worry, i will still be cheering you on!
you'll always be my best friend :)

came back from camp yesterday
started missing it
the fun, the friends, the enthusiasm.. blah blah blah
actually i was very sad when we split into groups
i was really praying i could be with kelly they all
but end up with the mohegans
LOL. should have known they split us according to houses
then i would have wore my apache house t-shirt instead lor
walao.. but have to accept where i was being grouped into.
haiz... it was challenging. very. i keep missing my friends
but still, who knew there were dogs there?
2 dogs, one black one yellow, goldenish colour
reminded me so much of daisy
missed her alot everytime i play with the dogs
missed her more than my family. LOLS *SHHHHHH*
honestly, i dint quite like my team
NO ENTHUSIASM. like as good as dead.
look alive, but more of dead. lol.
if they had more enthusiasm, i would become hyper too.
which is like better?
anyways, i keep looking around
cos i admire the other teams
but what could i do?
switch groups? more like impossible.
so had to deal with it
but i eat with kelly in almost all meals.
but my team leaders always ask me to go back to my original group and eat
i felt like shouting at them to at least let me eat with them
kelly helped me scold them, haha. better luck next time!
i already feel dead going around with them
and they still want me to eat with them. no offence.
but anyway, camp was still fun. the high elements were challenging and scary
but i learnt alot about being a leader then
and felt like a leader. awesome feeling.
just one thing i want to change.
groups. like if only can choose the group that we want.
i would prefer to go with one of the exco members.
they are like so fun to be with :) always full of energy
hopefully the next camp, i would be with kelly.
and hope i have an exco member as my leader.
i really really wish, hope, pray

this camp was a wonderful experience
*esp our last night there, and the fun games*
thats all.


it would really could have been a prefect camp.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010 Y 6:07 PM

hello's again :)
had quite some bad luck on monday
missed the bus to school
so end up took a taxi
dint want to be late
so in the end, my money for eating was gone
lucky the taxi driver kind enough
actually my money not enough de
then he say nvm just give what you have :)
then on the way back home, chased after the bus. LOL.
but in the end, made it just in time
but yesterday so sad..
brought moshi to the salon
walked there btw
so tiring. then when reached there
we waited for moshi for about an hour
not the fluffy moshi that i knew :( sad...
we made him wear a shirt cos very cold
so cute:) hahaha
when we got home, everyone dint recognize him
including daisy
haha, daisy so funny and cute
she keep staring and sniffing moshi
like so curious like that
then she finally bark and bark at moshi
haha! so omg.
we made daisy wear a sort of bib

daisy is mine
dont you dare steal from me


Saturday, November 6, 2010 Y 9:53 PM

hihi, long time no post eh
heehee, was not really at home
best part was last friday,
it was awesome. me and xiaoling went
we went with charlotte and family and her company
she paid for us cos its her father's birthday
anyway, forgot to greet happy birthday

so at around 9am,
my mum drove me and my sister to hard rock hotel
my mum dint know how to go there
so end up got lost in the carpark
the carpark was HUGE k
just the carpark only eh
it was like a freaking maze
so then when finally found the hotel
went in and felt like a superstar
like so grand like that
got ppl help open the door wan seh
hotel was super big
toilet size is like my living room plus my dining room
TOILET ONLY. sweet :)
it was raining so delayed a bit.
ended up playing games on char's iphone 4
after rain end, we took off for universal studio
we went to take "revenge of the mummy" first.
OMG, the place you have to wait, is extremely DARK.
me, ling, and char all scared of the dark
so when one of us scream, all scream
when it was our turn, we had to sit last row.
and the seat belt was not so safe to me
it was like can sit four ppl in one row
so me and ling sit in the middle (scared of the popping mummy)
char sat at the side
the ride is like first go in then not scary one
just got the stupid mummy talking
"i will take your souls for eternity..." something liddat
then char will respond: "in your dreams you fat asshole"
LOLOLOL! then slowly, got scarier and scarier
go backwards down, i scream like siao leh.
then it very dark one, so you totally dunno whats gonna happen next
when suddenly go down, it like you can feel yourself flying up. seriously
damn fun, it was my favourite ride. me and char took it like 3-4 times.
wanted to take 6 times. but end up change of plans.
next we rode canopy flyer, at first, scary. cos quite high and its like a swing roller coaster.
woohoo, took it two times. guess wat.
me and char waited 50 minutes ++ for a 50 second ride.
worth it? i think so. cos really very fun.
next we went to look for char parents(we were lost)
and super HUNGRY.
you know, normal chicken rice cost is around $3 liddat right
the one at universal studio was like $7.80 sia
then after eating, went to watch some sort of waterworks.
after that, went to watch shrek 4D. meaning you can feel it and chair will move de
was fun :)
after that played the mini roller coaster twice. the pressure very high.
and i was not scared, so mini. LOL.
after that, changed and went for rapids adventure. (water ride)
very fun and scary.
its like at first, is like a water musuem
then suddenly, you will go inside some kind of warehouse. then you will go up
like lift liddat. total darkness.
suddenly, the whole thing will drop down, like a slide
woohoo! so fun! but the little girl we were with cried.
it was reasonable. the sound was too loud.
me and my sister got really wet.
cos of the stupid dinosaur go squirt at us
haha, after that, changed back and went for ice cream :)
jealous? haha, after ice cream went for special effects show
very nice :) the universal studio was damn nice
really like hollywood like that
too bad, 4 rides haven't open. the red and blue track roller coaster and one wet ride and another roller coaster.
nvm, next time hopefully can go again

anyway, yesterday attended a wedding.
the food took so long. like 2pm still no lunch. wth
i was starving seriously and bored
when food finally came, i gobbled alot.
man, we had to drink tea.
i took a sip and choked the first time.
damn bitter. eeew. but my mum say dont waste
so end up drank alot of cups. dont waste mah
after all the food, was still very hungry.
so went home, ate again
lol. this morning church, was make friend with teacher
we ate at the church and watch movie
only our group. each group one room
all do different thing
drank bubble tea and ate macdonald hamburger.
ate all. still hungry, wanted to eat my sister one but she already finish.
sad case. she say she very full after eating the burger. wth.
she only drank like a quarter of the bubble tea and she say she is full
i ate everything and was not full at all.
my friends and family say im crazy.
haha, more like they are crazy, eat so little for wat.
on diet on diet. fat or skinny all still human de mah.

wah, say so much. better stop le. good bye!
XX ~

Tuesday, November 2, 2010 Y 6:14 PM

hihi once again, oh ya, the korean show we watched
very nice! 200 pounds of beauty. go watch :)
about church, we climbed the bridge at vivo there
OMG, you know its so high, like 20 storeys sia!
and quite narrow too...
haha, damn tiring but fun :)
the view at the top was awesome
you could see the buildings on one side,
and nature beauties on the other
so nice!
heeheee, hope to go there again
anyway, charlotte and ling were so funny.

okayokay, enough about church yaz
tell you about yesterday
we baked cookies in the morning
plain butter cookies
some turned out well
some, BURNT. LOL
and my sister go put chocolate pieces on top
it may sound yummy
but when it goes in your mouth its just ...
i was the first to try k
then at first it was quite nice
slowly, it made me sick.
my sister and lydia were laughing at my reaction
the cookie was freaking hard
i could not break it.
i think in the end, someone ate the cookies.
but, last time one was worse.
my sister decided to bake cookies,
so she ask me bake with her
peanut butter cookies. so we bake lor
looked nice
but when my sister eat it, it was not even cooked inside
gross!... so ended up throwing it away
haha, what a waste of ingredients
haiz, watched a scary movie last night(very scary)
anyway, last night lydia had to go home
she had school this morning
but she'll be coming back after her school :)
AWESOME. what should i get her? she eats everything
going to get her a gift later. teehee~

im gonna die of boredom! someone HELP.
i only managed to finish geog and english homework.
chinese is totally dont even have the mood.
maths at least ok ah
haiz, dunno wat to do now...

ah! i shall go and play with daisy! greet her a happy birthday! see ya!

byes! dont miss me cos you'll go crazy if you do.
love you! muacks

Monday, November 1, 2010 Y 7:34 AM

woohoo! hello again!
this days rock! but some complications though.
anyway, i missed out one day where me and kelly went out.
jie ying and irene cannot cos they got cca. i think it was last day of school or smething.
then kelly say meet shun bin at lot1 so we go lot1. BROOM~
then eat at macdonald together
eat ready, played food fight using straws
laugh until stomachache sia
cos i kelly and SB shooting each other
then i go say: wah! husband and wife fighting seh!
then, they go shoot me, LOL
then andrea from E2 go say: wah seh! husband and wife ah?! got baby not?
then i say: wow! if got baby hor, the name must be SHUN LI hor!
then shun bin go admit say no lah no lah, HUI BIN nicer.
everybody was like OMG... (he admitted) HAHAHAHA!
i was like 0.0 YOU KNOW!wow, what a fairytale :)
happy for them!

haha, anyway, today, woke up at around 6:50 am to go school
dunno what SL thing ah. wah, first time wake up with friend and go school with friend sia
lydia slept over mah
then she today aso got school
so end up we go school tgt
so FUN, heehee
then separate at bus interchange
met kelly they all at bukit gombak mrt station.
all of us eat lollipop, all apache house
like gang like that seh
then we go in the gym, everyone look at us. LOL
i slept halfway through the so called meeting. (very boring)
then started some brainstorming blah blah blah
after school, went to meet lydia and vannesa at kfc, west mall
eat tgt with them and kelly they all
after eating, HOME SWEET HOME with lydia
she has been in my house since saturday. not her longest. teehee~
oh yeah! today had guitar lesson and teacher so freaking cool
he just listen to the song, he know how to play loh.
AWESOME! wanna master that too!
okayzcz, lydia paster me go watch something(forgot) korean show
gtg or she going to sleep and leave me alone
sorry! btw, HAPPY HALLOWEEN! it was damn fun!

~ bweysbywes! see ya next time!


Saturday, October 30, 2010 Y 5:33 PM

yo, first of all, we mistaken halloween. LOL.
it was not yesterday but tonight... haiz.. oh ya, since not halloween,
we went to my younger sister friends house.
then, we go play a trick on the brother.
heeheehee! we go doorbell then run,
haha, but actually, he sneaked out through the window...
(first floor mah) so we ran inside the neighbour house, her other friend.
that other friend, have 4 other siblings.
so total is 5 kids.
wa, sian... the oldest sister hor,
can go out until 11++ sia!
i 8pm also cannot eh!
btw, she younger than me.. like 12 only eh.
so envious of her.. so much freedom.
then, we go see see their room.
so damn nicez! their bed like tent like that. then they each got own desk.
on one of the desk,
i saw a freakin' ipad!! ahh!
OMG.. so went to play with it. heehee~
they not only have i pad, got iphone 4 eh!
wah, you know how young not?
youngest i think 2?
oldest 12.
all 2 years apart.
calculate yourself, got 5 kids. :P lazy.
anyway, last night watch scary movie(not scary)
then go sleep, wa lao, you know the aircon hor,
SO COLD! then everyone share blanket, still cold.. no use.
lol, so everyone in the morning, caught a cold. now gone. phew~
so now preparing to go to church.. we going vivo for church
dunno for wat, but is until 3pm eh!
haiz.... dont feel like going liaoz.zzzzz.
gtg eat breakfast liao kay. byes~
btw, like my new blog stuff? ty~



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21121997 ♥ Thirteen this year , and I'm loving it (:
Piglets and friends are loved and cherished .
PANDA'S are loved here, there and everywhere ♥
I'm currently a hillgrovian and used to be a Bukit Timah-ian
I'm imperfect and I'm loving it :D


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Piglets , bears , soft toys ♥
And HIM (: ♥


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-` Snow Globes
-` Something cute something pink
-` Excellent results
-` Go to university (:


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